The Association Punto Maglie speaks


Name and address
Name: Punto Maglie
Address: Via Luigi Puzzovio 60, 73024 Maglie (Lecce)
(Permanent Exhibition: Piazza Aldo Moro 38, Maglie (Lecce)
Phone: 0039 349 6486874 – 0039 389 9766958


When and how was the Association born?
It was oficially born in 2007. However it was already 10 years that Anna, Mina, Alessandra, Liliana e Renata were colaborating on this project.

Punto Maglie founders

How many members do you have now?
About 30 people.

Which techniques are you focused on?
Punto Maglie needle lace, Venice Lace and Reticello.

What is you mission?
Our mission is to make needle lace beauty, its technique and tradition known.

Do you have regular meetings to work together?
A couple of times a week; once for classes and then for our own projects.

Do you give classes and workshops?
Yes we do. We have classes from October to May.


Who are your students?
Mainly women and lately even young ones are getting more and more interested.

How is your relationship with the local context?
The municipality always helped us to promote our projects.
In 2015 we colaborated with Le Costantine foundation, giving a one year long class, thanks to European funds. The same year we created a hats collection together with Doria1905 – a local famous hat producer – presented at Pitti Uomo 2015. Finally our drawings also appear in a coffee bar chain, here in Salento regione, printed on lamps, mirrors and counters.

Are you working on new projects for the next few months?
We have just ended a colaborationg on a needle lace bustier, for a thesis for a Master in underweare and wedding dresses design at Istituto Secoli, a famous school of fashion advanced training in Milan
In the next few months we will work on decor acessories.

How can we follow you?
On our Facebook page: Punto Maglie
Instagram: PuntoMaglie
Pinterest: PuntoMaglie

Can we see some pictures of your works?