Silvana Fontanelli, Una Filza pensando a Caterina De’ Medici (A Running Stitch Embroidery about Caterina De’ Medici)


Silvana Fontanelli
Silvana Fontanelli, Una Filza pensando a Caterina De’ Medici
Price: € 15,00
Dimentions: cm 21 x 29,7 pages 64


The manual is a reinterpretation of the Caterina de Medici technique, using more compact fabrics, and more shiny and colored yarns, compared to ordinary poor cotton.
The intention of the author is to stimulate enthusiasts to new uses of this ancient technique, updating it with all the authority of Silvana Fontanelli, an undisputed teacher of the filza stitch.

Italian text


Additional information

Weight 0.270 kg
Dimensions 21 x 29.7 cm