Book launch PER NON PERDERE IL FILO – Biblioteca Ariostea, Ferrara
Book launch
by Elisabetta Holzer
Thursday 1st June, 5.00 p.m.
@Biblioteca Ariostea – Sala Agnelli, Ferrara
(Via delle Scienze 17, map)
Elisabetta Holzer, book author
Luisa Martini, Biblioteca Ariostea, former responsible at Biblioteca Bassani in Ferrara
Elisabetta Holzer will launch her new book Per non perdere il filo on Thursday 1st of June, at Biblioteca Ariostea in Ferrara.
The publication offers practical and essential suggestions both for begginers and experts: how to choose yarns, textiles or tools, tricks to transfer drawings and different approaches to start a new work.
Elisabetta Holzer was born in S. Candido (BZ) and she has been living in Ferrara for 40 years. In the last 15 years she has been working on promoting and divulging different embroidery techniques. In 2003 she created the association RicamArte. In 2007 she realised her dream to dedicate a local embroidery technique to Ferrara. This is how it was born Ricamo Estense. About it, she wrote two very successfull books, in 2007 and 2014.
More information about the book here: