A few images of Abilmente Vicenza 2017

We are back from Vicenza, where we attended the Autumn edition of Abilmente 2017. As always it was a great opportunity to meet new people and already known ones.

Our stand was in Hall 2, which also hosted the area dedicated to embroidery and lace making, where some of the main Italian schools exhibited their beautiful works. Among them, there were also some of our authors: Alicja Kwartnik with her tatting lace works, Manuela Scarpin with stumpwork embroidery, Marilisa Edoni with Punto Cologna needle lace and Maria Rita Faleri with Caterina De’ Medici embroidery.

On Sunday we also had the pleasure to host again Sabrina Salvioli at our stand, where she gave some demonstrations of macrame from her book Il Macramè di Sabrina.


Some pictures of the fair: